Saturday, November 30, 2013

How to hang outdoor Christmas lights

The Christmas lights have a vital role to increase the holiday in Christmas. They can decorate the outdoor of your house nicely with a very small investment. Though people like to have their houses being very bright with the lights the process can be discouraged by the image of National Lampoon’s Christmas. Hanging the lights is not very easy task if you can follow some steps.

Measure first:

To set up the lights properly in your house you need to measure the lengths of the lights first. Then you need to measure every corner of your house the base , the doors, the windows and the columns so that you can plan to set up the lights properly.

Find a power source:

You need to have a proper power source to provide electricity to all of the lights. For this you can take the electricity line from the inside of the room through the window. But before that you need to measure how long you will need the power cord to be.

Pick up lights:

You will find various types of bulb styles. There are icicles, bulbs and retro bulbs. You can buy them prelamped or even separately as bulbs or stringer. If you do this then you will have the capability to change the style of the bulbs frequently and even you can change the dead bulbs n another season.

 Calculate the power:
You need to calculate the power to avoid blowing the fuse. At first calculate how many sockets you need and make sure they are placed 12 inches to 15 inches apart. Then find out the light wattage by using the bulb wattage and the no. of sockets. To do this multiply the bulb wattage with the no. of sockets and divide them by 115. Make sure the total amps are less than 10% than the wire is rated.

Choose the right clips:
To hang the lights properly you can use different clips. You will find various types of clips to hang the lights properly on the flat roofs and bricks . You may also find the clips which can hold the large number of bulbs at a time. Before climbing the ladder attach the bulbs and take someone’s help so that the bulbs won’t break down. Light up the night: Before the day comes test the lights and all your settlements if they are okay or not. You can set any outdoor timer to on the light at dusk and off at midnight.

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